Is Field Trip Health in Atlanta Right for You?

Field Trip Health Atlanta provides an intentionally created peaceful space in which clients and therapists can explore the benefits of low-dose Esketamine ketamine therapy.

A combination of this cutting-edge therapy, with both mainstream psychiatric treatments and traditional healing practices, provide a personalized treatment plan for each client.

Psychiatrist Dr. Bryan Price brings to the Field Trip Health Atlanta clinic “a decades long interest in eastern philosophy”.

While psychotherapists Nydia Guity and Evanye Lawson both come to the clinic as beneficiaries of psychedelic medicine in their own lives, offering unique perspectives on this cutting-edge psychiatric practice.

The team as a whole engages in bringing ancient wisdom to the holistic healing practices of the 21st Century.

Offered Treatments

– Psychiatric Consult – Therapist Meeting – Preparation – Psychedelic and Exploratory Sessions – Integration Sessions – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Treated Conditions

– Depression – Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Trauma – PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) – Substance Abuse

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