Here's Where Psychedelics Are Decriminalized in the U.S.

Since the start of the psychedelics boom, several U.S. cities have passed various legislation to decriminalize psychedelic drugs.

However, don’t confuse this with meaning that these are now technically legal psychedelics.

They offer protection to individuals engaging in practices with psychedelics at home, or for spiritual or therapeutic purposes without commercial intent.

The Difference Between Legalization And Decriminalization

Most psychedelics continue to be Schedule 1 substances under U.S. federal law. The term “legal psychedelics” in the U.S. is a bit confusing.

With the exception of ketamine, a controlled substance, most psychedelic drugs continue to be illegal in the United States.

These include the following substances. - Psilocybin (present in magic mushrooms) - LSD or acid - DMT (the active compound in ayahuasca)


For the time being, Oregon is the only jurisdiction where psychedelics enjoy decriminalization at the state level. This does not mean these drugs are all legal psychedelics.

Legal Psychedelics In California: Oakland and Santa Cruz

In California, two cities have passed local reform decriminalizing the personal use of naturally-produced psychedelics.

Legal Psychedelics In Washington State: Seattle

Since July 2021, a senate bill approved in Washington reduces penalties for the possession of any drug from a felony to a misdemeanor.

Legal Psychedelics In Colorado: Denver

In May 2019, Denver became the first city in the country to impose decriminalization measures on any psychedelic compound.

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