Can You Tell the Difference Between MDA and MDMA?

Both MDA and MDMA belong to the phenethylamine class of drugs. This category also includes psychedelics like mescaline and 2CB.

As phenethylamines, MDA and MDMA share similarities. Like other phenethylamines, they have stimulating effects.

MDA And MDMA Are Known By Different Names

MDMA is known by different names, depending on the country the user is from. Some people also call MDA the “love drug” — but its more common names are Sally, Sass, and Sassafras.

The Chemical Difference Between MDA And MDMA

Let’s begin with the most obvious difference between MDA and MDMA: the chemical structure.

MDA is 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine while MDMA is 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine. MDA, then, lacks the methyl group that MDMA has, which is attached to the nitrogen atom.

MDA And MDMA Have Different Subjective Effects

MDMA is not very psychedelic in nature. This contrasts with MDA, which has more psychedelic effects.

MDMA Is More Empathogenic Than MDA

When you take MDMA, you are more likely to have the following. – A “loved up” feeling – Feelings of sociability and talkativeness – Open and honest conversations

MDA Is More Psychedelic Than MDMA

MDA is more likely to produce visual effects. These include: – Visual acuity enhancement – Color enhancement – Tracers

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