Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Training and Certifications

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Certifications and Training:

Train to Become a Certified Psychedelic Service Provider or Augment Your Services Through our Partnership with Numinus.

Receive 5% off with promo code HEALINGMAPS5

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Certifications and Training:

Train to Become a Certified Psychedelic Service Provider or Augment Your Services Through our Partnership with Numinus

Receive 5% off with code HEALINGMAPS5



Training at HealingMaps

HealingMaps is dedicated to recognizing and valuing the profound impact practitioners have on fostering healing, inspiration, and human connection within our communities. In order to provide optimal support for these crucial endeavors, we offer exceptional training programs designed to uphold the highest standards of safety and evidence-based care.

Discover Training Programs

Numinus offers quality and accessible education for providers offering psychedelic services to people across the globe.

Use the promo code HEALINGMAPS5 to get 5% off training courses.

For Clinicians and Therapists

For Clinicians and Therapists

NEW: Get Trained and Certified for MDMA-Assisted Therapy

MDMA is close to FDA approval for the treatment of PTSD. Are you ready? Get trained and certified in MDMA-assisted therapy now to provide this service to your clients as soon as it receives FDA approval.

Interested in Adding Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies to Your Clinic or Practice?

Now is the time to get trained and certified in psychedelic-assisted therapy. Psychedelic-assisted therapies have significant evidence to help a wide range of issues and the industry is growing fast. Adding these certifications to your practice is a great way to increase revenues while providing lasting care to your patients.

Not A Therapist? These Courses Are For You

Looking for a Career in Psychedelics? Begin Your Journey Now

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is projected to be an $8 billion industry by 2028. There is already a huge demand for psychedelic-assisted therapy-trained therapists and coaches – and that will only increase as more of these therapies receive FDA approval. Start your certification path today to be a part of the mental health revolution.

Learn More>

Wondering if Psychedelic-assisted Therapy is Right For You?

New to the world of psychedelic-assisted therapy, but have a lot of questions? This course is perfect for you. Find out how safe, effective, and beneficial psychedelics can be to help treat issues ranging from depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction and more.

Who can take Numinus Training programs?

If you are providing or interested in providing psychedelic services to clients in any capacity, our programs will build on your skillset and benefit your practice. Our programs are open to a diverse set of professionals who are looking to add credibility, experience, and a robust skillset for providing psychedelic services.

Meet the Training Team

Amanda Gleser, MHA

Dillion March, MA

Simon Erlich, B.A, MA

Dr. Patricia Rockman MD, CCFP

Deanna Rogers H BA, MA C

Dr. Devon Christie, MD, CCFP, IFMCP, RTC

Cody Callon, MSW

The Certification Pathway

Numinus has carefully curated a learning pathway for diverse professionals providing psychedelic services to clients. The Pathway is accredited and has been designed with busy practitioners in mind, offering various cohorts and scheduling options for each course requirement.