
Ali McGhee has a PhD in English Literature from the University of Rochester. She is the Culture and Team Development Leader for 6AM City, and is a core faculty member at the Enneagram School of Awakening, as well as an International Enneagram Association (IEA) Accredited Professional. Her fiction and journalistic work has been published in Lucid News, the MAPS Bulletin, Scallywag, Dark Mountain, Slippery Elm Literary Journal, and Holler.

Ali's Certified Posts

Interested in the Ketamine Industry? We’ve Created the First Newsletter For You

Introducing Ketamine Insights Weekly, a new newsletter created specifically for the ketamine clinic and therapy industry.

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Ali's Posts

Mandrake Root: Healing, Harming, And Magical Properties

With a mythical reputation and both positive and negative side effects, what is the mandrake root really all about?

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How To Lucid Dream

Knowing how to lucid dream can benefit both your mental health and creativity.

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