At the Minnesota Ketamine and Wellness Institute, people with chronic conditions can receive relief via ketamine therapy. Offering a 40-minute ketamine infusion treatment, typical ailments include depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.
With mental illness an ongoing issue in the United States, the Minnesota Ketamine and Wellness Institute ushers in change. The clinic provides hope to those feeling lost with traditional forms of treatment.
A psychedelic trip can bring new perspectives when taken properly, and this clinic has the expertise and unmatched commitment to make it happen. So it’s no surprise that this center is one of the best ketamine therapy clinics in the state.
– IV ketamine infusion therapy
Ketamine infusions are 40-minute treatments for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and suicidal ideation. You will need to plan for approximately 1.5 hours for each visit.
Prior to the infusion, an IV will be placed, baseline vital signs will be obtained and informed consent will need to be signed. Discharge instructions will be provided prior to the start of the infusion. During the infusion, the clinic will monitor your vital signs every 15 minutes and assess your comfort level throughout the process.
Upon completion of the infusion, you will need approximately 30 minutes to recover and return to a level of comfort before being discharged. Please prearrange to have a driver or a ride home, prior to your infusion appointment. Driving is restricted for 12-24 hours post-infusion. A final set of vital signs will be obtained and your IV will be removed. Staff will contact you within 24 hours to do a follow-up check on your progress and response to the treatment. If you are sensitive to cold, the clinic suggests bringing a warm jacket or blanket and for sensitivity to light, an eye mask or even sunglasses may be helpful.
Ketamine IV infusion therapy is the most common form of ketamine treatment. The drug is administered directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous drip into the arm. During the treatment, the patient lies still in a calm setting. The effect is usually immediate and can last weeks.
Patients typically receive a series of six infusions over two to three weeks. Typically, most treatments last, on average, two hours. This is what’s called the “induction phase” of the treatment. A doctor monitors the patient’s response to the treatment. The patient stops treatment if the first phase is not effective. The patient moves onto the “maintenance phase” if he or she shows signs of improvement.
At this stage patients typically return for one infusion every two to six weeks. At this point, the treatment can last as long as the patient desires and shows improvement.
Discover more Minnesota Ketamine Clinics
Joann Christie
November 23, 2024 at 9:14 pmThe Minnesota Ketamine and Wellness Clinic treated me for depression and anxiety.
Helpful ReviewI have had mental illness for over 30 years. I was referred by a psychiatrist to have ketamine treatments. I had already tried ECT treatments but the memory loss was really bad. So I agreed to try ketamine.
The owner Christine called me for the intake and told me what would happen when I came for treatment. I arrived at the clinic and she set everything up. I felt welcomed and safe. I had 6 treatments in 3 weeks. I was always asked how my treatments were and what I thought about the dosage of ketamineIreceived. Every time I went I felt safe and well cared for. Christine is a special person she has years of experience with mental health issues. I wish I has enough words to say how much I appreciate the help I received. I was stuck in a very unhealthy thought pattern that could never be broken until I tried ketamine. It has opened up new neuroplasticity. I am feeling and thinking healthier.
Thank you Christine and staff for your care. I recommend anyone with depression or any other symptom that ketamine treats to try it. I Minnesota Ketamine and Wellness Clinic is a wonderful place to go for treatment.
Mat Olson
January 19, 2023 at 10:02 pmAlso, time to put my investigator skills back to work. How many people have you killed by turning them away? I’m willing to think it’s many because you don’t have any compassion for the psychological part of the patient only the medical. You don’t understand psychology and you have absolutely no business administering psychotropic medications to people when you don’t have any training at all in psychology, ZERO. You think on that. I’m going to be thinking on a lawyer. I still can’t believe this happened. I don’t think your peers will be impressed. But that doesn’t matter to you. All you care about the bottom line and not your patience concerns you don’t even know my medical background for Christ’s sake. You claim to know this and that about me. You don’t know me. Make your own failures, we’ll find out how many you killed then we’ll hold you accountable through unintentional manslaughter or homicide charges. That help was provided by way of kicking me out of the program for a letter I wrote which will be published to everyone. Everyone needs to be know that you people are doing this without the proper training or psychological background. For the record, cold turkey cut off happened after this afternoon’s treatment at approximately 1300. Thursday January 19th, 2023. Make sure you tell your patients to not ask many questions because that might get them kicked off the program. I don’t know if you guys think you’re the wizard of Oz or what but I might as well say it since I can’t go there anymore anyways, you people are f😘cking classless money grubbers and don’t give one iota about the patient. See you in court if I’m still around. ✌️
This is the letter I sent that got me banned.
Yes, I am on my way lol. The roads are not in good condition but we are on time. I just want to let you guys know too that I’ve been seriously considering the results or lack thereof based on my dosing by weight. It doesn’t indicate a person’s cognitive dissonance state. We have discussed this. I think until that gets nailed down, this is just not a treatment that is going to be viable because people aren’t going to know the difference. I’m talking about the average layman, I’m a psychologist you guys are nurses. You know this is something that has to be ironed out before we can move forward in the field. We’re not even collecting data and I think that’s what bothers me the most outside of the fact that we’re dosing by weight. It’s just a very long drive to not get the full benefit of the medicine that the insurance company is paying for. I know you guys have been doing this for years but not even a cop can tell if somebody is in a cognitively dissociative state unless they’re passed out completely. So I understand your experience and you’re familiarity with your patients but this is a different realm of medicine. As much as I hate to, I may have to shop around for a clinic that is able to get me to the dosage I need in order for this medicine to work. Because it has worked in the past and I know that it works because I’ve been there. No anxiety meds, or adjunct anti-depressant. These were once a week and I was still feeling good at the end of the week when I went back for my next dose the week after. (That’s how you know it’s working) medicine works and why it works and it’s not just the chemical makeup bonding to glutamates in the brain, it’s actually changing the chemistry in the rear of the brain. The posterior area that is the big breakthrough and what it does is as I’ve said it allows your subconscious to talk to you. Please don’t take this the wrong way I’m not trying to be a bother, I’m just really heavy into science and I’m not sure this is science and I’m definitely not sure this is psychology the way it’s being done right now. Hopefully when I get there today you’ll still stick me with the needle. lol Don’t get me wrong, You’re doing a fantastic job it’s the dose that needs to be figured out. You’ve got the protocol down perfectly.
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