The founders of Tri-State Progressive Health, in Ashland, Kentucky believe that regardless of the treatment they provide to you, the end result of “helping people restore hope” is primary.
The clinic offers ketamine therapy for individuals who have tried numerous traditional medications or therapies for their chronic and resistant conditions. However, the Tri-State Progressive Health clinic doesn’t only focus on medication, and also takes into account the various other ways people can come to feel better about themselves, from personal environment to personal appearance.
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Ketamine therapy is a relatively new use of this trusted anesthetic medication, and studies show that it is effective for approximately 70 percent of those who undergo treatment. For individuals struggling with treatment-resistant mental health complaints, or chronic pain conditions, Tri-State Progressive Health ketamine treatments may provide a welcome relief.
Tri-State Progressive Health is led by certified nurse practitioner Megan Enyart, and Dr. Joshua Enyart, two caregivers who, in seeking their own highest potential are hoping to assist others in finding theirs. Both Megan and Joshua have extensive experience in numerous medical fields, from Osteopathic and Emergency medicine to Psychiatric mental health.
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The array of experience allows the team at Tri-State Progressive Health to craft a treatment plan unique to each of their clients. Ketamine therapy at the clinic is a safe and private way to deal with the negative symptoms of difficult to manage conditions.
Ketamine infusions are not administered until after a thorough examination of symptoms and health. Once determined to be appropriate, ketamine treatments take between 45 minutes and two hours. Treatment length is dependent upon the condition being treated.
A physician or NP accompanies each patient throughout the process, and is able to treat any negative side effects immediately. Most patients find the infusion to be a “pleasant” experience.
As noted on the Tri-State website, ketamine has been “a game changer” in psychiatric medicine. For individuals whose conditions are “treatment-resistant,” this fast-acting medication shows significant positive benefits.
Chronic pain sufferers also show remarkable improvements after treatments. Tri-State Progressive Health offers this medication to those who are at their wits’ end over treatment.
Discover more Kentucky Ketamine Clinics
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