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What People Like About Physician Modern Therapy – Colorado Springs, Colorado

In our journey to understand what sets Physician Modern Therapy apart, we’ve gathered feedback from numerous individuals. Their experiences highlight several key aspects that truly make this Colorado Springs facility stand out in the realm of physical therapy.

  • Cutting-Edge Equipment: Patients are impressed by the modern and advanced equipment available. This includes tools and machines not commonly found in other facilities, such as an ultrasound machine specifically tailored for physical therapy purposes.
  • Innovative Techniques: The practice employs innovative techniques that are at the forefront of physical therapy. These methods have proven effective in accelerating the recovery process for many patients.
  • Personalized Care: At the heart of Physician Modern Therapy is the personalized care each patient receives. Dr. Gogl and her team ensure that every treatment plan is uniquely designed to meet individual needs, ensuring better and faster outcomes.
  • Supportive Environment: The staff’s caring and upbeat nature contributes significantly to a positive and encouraging environment. This supportive atmosphere plays a crucial role in the healing process, making patients feel understood and motivated throughout their rehabilitation journey.
  • Effective Communication: Patients appreciate the timely and effective communication from the practice. Whether it’s coordinating with attorneys or answering calls promptly, the administrative aspects are handled professionally and efficiently.
  • Impact on Recovery: The most telling feedback is the tangible improvement in patients’ conditions. Stories of significant recovery, such as being able to move much better after a short period, underline the effectiveness of the therapy provided.

Through these components, it’s clear that Physician Modern Therapy in Colorado Springs has managed to create a highly appreciated and effective physical therapy experience. The combination of advanced technology, innovative techniques, and a deeply compassionate approach sets this facility apart, making it a preferred choice for many seeking physical therapy solutions.

What People Don’t Like About Physician Modern Therapy – Colorado Springs, Colorado

While we’ve seen a lot of praise for Physician Modern Therapy, there’s always room for improvement. After gathering feedback, we’ve pinpointed a few common concerns that some patients have voiced. It’s important to note these points to provide a balanced view.

  • Tardiness Policy:
  • They don’t appreciate lateness.
  • This can put pressure on patients struggling with punctuality.
  • Memory Loss Management:
  • Support for memory loss post-accident seems limited.
  • Patients feel this area could use more empathy.
  • Communication:
  • While generally responsive, some delays in returning phone calls were noted.
  • This can lead to frustration for those needing quick answers.

Understanding these areas can guide future patients in setting their expectations and choosing their health care provider more effectively.

About Physician Modern Therapy

Conditions They Treat: Depression, PTSD and chronic pain.

HealingMaps Says: Low-cost, ketamine-focused practice.

Costs: For depression and PTSD, cost for 5 infusions is $1750

Patient Review/ Testimonial: “If you’re looking for top-notch service and treatment this is your place!” Lauren via Google

Facility Highlights: A simple, small practice by a single anesthesiologist.

Do They Offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy? No.

Are Female Practitioners Available? No.

Do they Accept Insurance? No.

Additional Info: 

People suffering from various chronic health disorders can find symptom relief at Physician Modern Therapy. The health and wellness center utilizes modern treatment modalities such as ketamine as a way to help further healing for patients that have yet to find a therapy that works. Ketamine is clinically proven to aid in mental health and chronic pain disorder recovery.

Physician Modern Therapy is led by Dr. Edward Cobb. Dr. Cobb has extensive work with ketamine in various settings such as the FDNY Burn Center and throughout east Africa. He and his team at the clinic are passionate about healing and aim to provide their patients with a new lease on life one ketamine infusion treatment at a time.

Discover more Colorado Ketamine Clinics


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