How To Microdose Shrooms Effectively

How To Microdose Shrooms Effectively

The basics of microdosing are pretty simple. We’ve used this formula for years, and found it helpful.

Here’s the Process We Use to Microdose Mushrooms

Take a small dose of mushrooms. Small means .05 or .1 grams. Measure it using a small scale. If you don’t have a scale, just break off a tiny bit of a mushroom. Your first day, start with a chunk the size of a pencil eraser. You can take more later. Some people like to take .2 grams — which is about one-fifth of a typical-sized mushroom. But we recommend starting with .05-.1 grams.

Microdose in the morning. Mushrooms last 4-6 hours. You want the effects to wear off by dinner. Mushrooms interfere with sleep.

Have a comfortable setting. Your first few times microdosing, you want to be in a super-familiar place, doing stuff you do a lot. Try going for walks near you, doing a hobby, or relaxing at home. Later, you can try working or hanging with friends.

Set an intention: Keep it simple. Try things like: “open up.” “Be with my feelings.” “See what’s here.” “Focus.”

Stay safe: Don’t drive.

Pay attention to how you feel. If you feel wobbly, anxious, or over-energized, you took too large of a dose. Take less next time. Do you feel calmer, more present, and more in the flow? Stick with that dose. Enjoy the feeling.

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Wait three days before you take your next dose. If you dosed on Monday, wait until Thursday to do it again. Pausing lets your tolerance re-set.

Stop occasionally. Try microdosing for a month, then stop for a month. Let yourself come back to your normal self. See if you notice anything different about yourself. Ask friends and family if they see any changes.

Seek help if you need it. If you’re struggling with microdosing or with mental health in general, talk to a doctor, therapist, psychedelic integration specialist, your local psychedelic club, or just a friend.

How To Microdose Shrooms With The Help Of Technology

To know if your microdosing regimen is effective, you want to keep track of the following.

  • Your feeling before microdosing
  • How you feel on the days you microdose
  • Your feeling during the days after you microdose, and before the next dosing day
  • Any long-term changes

It’s also best to have some kind of intention for microdosing.

Why do you want to do it? What do you hope to get out of it? When you set an intention, and you track progress, you can see if the results match your hopeful goal.

On this point, it is worth mentioning the placebo effect again. The expectation of improving your mental health through microdosing could play a role in making that result happen.

To create a regimen and see the progress you’re making, there are certain microdosing apps you can use. These can track relevant information such as your dose, microdosing schedule, intentions, progress, and states of mind. These include things like mood, energy, clarity, focus, motivation, and self-esteem.

By putting the above recommendations into practice, you will find it easier to follow a microdosing regimen and come to understand if this new habit is leading to positive changes in your life.

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What is Microdosing?

Taking tiny doses of mushrooms has become a popular trend, one which many people find helps them to tackle mental health issues like depression and anxiety, as well as improve focus, productivity, and creativity. But how do you microdose shrooms?

The jury is still out on the effectiveness of microdosing. While placebo-controlled studies on microdosing psychedelics have shown there are some benefits not due to the placebo effect, newer research reveals that psilocybin microdosing does not affect anxiety or depression compared with placebo. It is possible that expecting positive results from microdosing is what leads to beneficial outcomes.

Whether microdosing comes down to the placebo effect or not, psychedelic users still swear by the practice, finding it life-changing, even. If you want to microdose psilocybin, specifically, there is a way to do it that microdosing proponents (such as James Fadiman) recommend is best.

Knowing how to microdose shrooms effectively involves several steps. In this guide on microdosing shrooms, we will explain everything you need to know from the mushrooms and equipment to use to how you can keep track of your progress.

RELATED: A Guide to Making Blue Honey (Magic Mushroom Infused Honey)

Choosing Your Mushrooms

Obtaining Psilocybin Mushrooms

Before microdosing shrooms, you first need to decide what kind of mushroom you’re going to use. This choice could depend on various factors.

For example, do you intend to pick, grow, or buy the shrooms? Your method of obtaining shrooms will likely alter what kind of mushrooms you can use. In your country, only certain types of magic mushrooms will grow (and they will only grow in specific locations and won’t grow throughout the year).

If intending to purchase shrooms from a street dealer, you will be limited to whatever types they sell. Buying shrooms from the dark web is different as there will be more choices available. We don’t recommend this. Since magic mushrooms are illegal, however, you might find it risky to seek out a dealer or use the dark web in order to procure your mushrooms.

Picking mushrooms and possessing them is illegal as well–except in certain places like Colorado, Jamaica, and Brazil–but it might not feel as risky.

The other option is growing magic mushrooms from home. This can feel like a much more private affair; plus, you have the opportunity to pick the exact species or strain of mushroom you want. Provided you choose a quality vendor for magic mushroom spores, you can be assured that you will be growing the type of mushroom you intend to take.

Regardless of how you obtain magic mushrooms, you should know that, under many jurisdictions, psilocybin is a highly prohibited substance. It is a Schedule I drug in the United States. If you want to know how to microdose shrooms without any interference from the law, then you will need to do so in states or countries where psilocybin is legal or decriminalized, like Oakland, Oregon, Santa Cruz, Ann Arbor, and more.

RELATED: Do Shrooms Show Up On A Drug Test?

Sam Woolfe

Sam Woolfe

View all posts by Sam Woolfe

Sam Woolfe is a freelance writer based in London. His main areas of interest include mental health, mystical experiences, the history of psychedelics, and the philosophy of psychedelics. He first became fascinated by psychedelics after reading Aldous Huxley's description of the mescaline experience in The Doors of Perception. Since then, he has researched and written about psychedelics for various publications, covering the legality of psychedelics, drug policy reform, and psychedelic science.

Reilly Capps

Reilly Capps

Reilly Capps is the editorial director of HealingMaps. He has written about psychedelics for Rooster Magazine, The Washington Post, The Telluride Daily Planet, LucidNews, 5280, Chacruna, The Third Wave, and the MAPS Bulletin. A licensed EMT, he used to answer 911 calls on the ambulance in Boulder, Colo., where he learned how drugs affect a community. Read all his work at and follow him on Twitter @reillycapps

This post was approved by mycologist Caine Barlow

Caine is a mycologist and educator who is skilled in mushroom cultivation, cell culture, and biotechnology. He has a Master’s Degree focused in Science (Bioinformatics) from University of Melbourne. He focuses on teaching how to culture and grow gourmet fungi while partnering with other organizations to help promote the discussion and conservation of fungi in the developing field of Conservation Mycology.

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