Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus)

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus)

The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), also known as hiratake or the pearl oyster mushroom, is a common edible mushroom. It was first cultivated in Germany as a way to meet people’s nutritional needs during World War I. Now it is grown commercially around the world for food. It is related to the similarly cultivated king oyster mushroom.

The oyster mushroom is one of the more commonly sought wild mushrooms, although people do also cultivate it on straw and other types of substrate. Hiratake has the bittersweet aroma of benzaldehyde (an organic compound that has a characteristic almond-like odor).

Both the Latin and common names of the oyster mushroom refer to the shape of the fruiting body. The Latin term pleurotus (side-ear) refers to the sideways growth of the stem with respect to the cap. The second part of the Latin name, ostreatus, and the English common name (oyster), refer to the shape of the cap. It resembles the bivalve creature of the same name.

The reference to oyster may also be due to the slippery texture of the mushroom.

The oyster mushroom had a broad, fan, or oyster-shaped cap spanning 2-30 cm. The color of the cap of natural specimens ranges from white to gray or tan to dark-brown. The margin of the cap is inrolled when young, smooth, and often lobed or wavy. The flesh is white, firm, and varies in thickness (due to the arrangement of the stipe).

The gills of the oyster mushroom are white to cream and descend on the stalk if present.

The spore print of the oyster mushroom is white to lilac-gray.

The stipe (or stem) is often absent. But when present, it is short and thick.

Omphalotus nidiformis is a toxic lookalike found in Australia and Japan. In North America, there are muscarine-containing lookalikes (which are therefore toxic). These include Omphalotus olivascens (the western jack-o’-lantern mushroom) and Clitocybe dealbata (the ivory funnel mushroom).

Hiratake is a carnivorous fungus. It preys on nematodes by using a calcium-dependent toxin that paralyzes the prey within a matter of minutes. This toxin causes necrosis (a form of cell injury that results in the premature death of cells). This turns the nematodes into a slurry, facilitating the ingestion of this protein-rich food source.

Pleurotus ostreatus is one of the few known carnivorous mushrooms. Its digestion of nematodes is believed to be a way in which the mushroom obtains nitrogen.

The oyster mushroom is widespread in many temperate and subtropical forests throughout the world. However, it is absent in the Pacific Northwest of North America, where instead Pleurotus pulmonarius and Pleurotus poplinus grow.

Hiratake is a saprotroph (an organism that feeds by absorbing dead organic matter). It acts as a decomposer of wood, especially deciduous trees (beech trees, in particular).

The standard oyster mushroom can grow in many places, but there are other related species (such as the branched oyster mushroom) that grow only on trees. The standard oyster mushroom may be found all year round in the UK.

There are other similar species to the standard oyster mushroom, including the blue oyster mushroom, the pink oyster mushroom, and the golden oyster mushroom (or yellow oyster mushroom).

As hardwood trees die, Pleurotus ostreatus grows on the rapidly increasing mass of dead and dying wood. This benefits the forest by decomposing the dead wood, returning vital elements and minerals to the ecosystem in a form that other plants and organisms can use.

The oyster mushroom is a choice edible mushroom and is a delicacy in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cuisine. These mushrooms are also used in the Czech and Slovak contemporary cuisine in soups and stews in a similar fashion to meat. Oyster mushrooms taste best when picked young. As the mushrooms age, the flesh becomes tough and the flavor becomes acrid and unpleasant.

Many people also consume oyster mushrooms (whole or in the form of supplements) for their medicinal benefits.

There is a lot of information to unpack about oyster mushrooms, but we aim to do exactly that in this comprehensive guide. We’ll be covering:

  • The benefits of oyster mushrooms
  • Possible side effects
  • How to grow oyster mushrooms
  • How to cook oyster mushrooms (plus recipes)
  • Making oyster mushroom tea/coffee
  • Oyster mushroom powder

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The Benefits Of Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are known for their impressive health-promoting properties. In fact, they’ve been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The health benefits they offer are due to the presence of a variety of powerful compounds.

But before exploring the medicinal effects of consuming oyster mushrooms, let’s take a look at their nutritional profile.

Oyster Mushrooms Are Rich In Nutrients

Oyster mushrooms are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients. They’re also low in carbohydrates, so they’re a great choice if you’re following a low-carb diet.

Here’s the nutritional content of one cup (86 g) of raw oyster mushrooms:

  • Calories: 28
  • Carbs: 5 g
  • Protein 3 g
  • Fat: < 1 g
  • Fiber: 2 g
  • Niacin: 27% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 22% of the DV
  • Folate: 8% of the DV
  • Choline: 8% of the DV
  • Potassium: 8% of the DV
  • Iron: 6% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 8% of the DV
  • Zinc: 6% of the DV

Oyster mushrooms also contain smaller quantities of other nutrients, including vitamin D and selenium.

A Great Source Of Antioxidants

Oyster mushrooms provide antioxidants (substances that help reduce cellular damage in your body).

Researchers have detected seven phenolic compounds in Pleurotus ostreatus extracts — including gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, and naringenin — that act as antioxidants in the body. Oyster mushrooms also contain the amino acid ergothioneine, which likewise has powerful antioxidant effects.

A 2007 study in rodents found that the use of oyster mushroom extract improved antioxidant levels and lowered specific inflammatory markets, including malondialdehyde (MDA), in older rats.

According to a 2020 study in rats, oyster mushroom extract showed antioxidant effects. It also helped reduce liver damage caused by toxic chemicals.

A 2016 test-tube study found that a gray oyster mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius) extract inhibited oxidative damage to human artery cells and prevented oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol. This effect may be due to the presence of the amino acid ergothioneine.

Oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol is involved in the process of atherosclerosis. This refers to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease.

Although animal and test-tube studies indicate that oyster mushrooms can offer protection against cellular damage, more research is needed to establish this effect in humans.

Potential Heart Health Benefits

Oyster mushrooms might promote heart health by reducing heart disease risk factors such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Pleurotus ostreatus contains high quantities of several compounds that improve heart health, including fibers called beta-glucans. Gut bacteria ferment beta-glucans, which produce short-chain fatty acids that can help reduce cholesterol production in your body.

A small 2011 randomized controlled trial with 20 people found that eating a soup containing 30 g of dried oyster mushrooms for 21 days decreased triglycerides, total cholesterol, and oxidized LDL (bad) cholesterol levels compared with a placebo.

In addition, a 2020 review of eight human studies revealed that Pleurotus ostreatus intake helped lower blood sugar, triglycerides, blood pressure, and insulin levels, all of which could decrease heart disease risk.

However, the authors of the study pointed out that all available studies have a high risk of bias. They stated that future well-designed studies are needed to better understand how consuming oyster mushrooms may improve heart health.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Consuming oyster mushrooms may also aid blood sugar regulation, which is especially important for people with diabetes.

A study in 22 people with and without type 2 diabetes found that taking powdered Pleurotus ostreatus reduced post-meal blood sugar levels. The authors speculated that the mushrooms had this effect by increasing sugar use in body tissues while inhibiting certain blood sugar-increasing proteins.

Similarly, a 2007 study in 30 hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes revealed that eating 150 g of cooked oyster mushrooms every day for seven days reduced fasting blood sugar by 22 percent and post-meal blood sugar by an average of 23 percent.

After the participants had stopped consuming the mushrooms for one week, fasting and post-meal blood sugar increased by an average of 13 percent and 20 percent, respectively. The treatment also significantly reduced patients’ blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Moreover, a study in 27 men with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure found that daily treatment with 3 g of powdered oyster mushrooms for three months significantly reduced hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a marker for long-term blood sugar control.

In the 2020 review of eight human studies described earlier, the authors suggest that the blood sugar-lowering effects of Pleurotus ostreatus may be due to the mushroom’s high concentration of beta-glucans. After all, this type of fiber slows down carbohydrate digestion and absorption.

Immune System Benefits

Oyster mushrooms may be able to support your immune system in a number of ways.

For instance, pleuran — a type of beta-glucan fiber derived from Pleurotus ostreatus — has immune-modulating properties. Also, oyster mushrooms offer antiviral and antimicrobial effects.

In a 130-day study in 90 people with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), treatment with a combined pleuran, vitamin C, and zinc supplement improved HSV-1 symptoms and reduced the duration and severity of respiratory symptoms more than vitamin C on its own.

Other research has shown that pleuran can significantly improve symptoms in children with recurrent respiratory tract infections. In addition, a randomized controlled trial found that this compound can significantly reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections in athletes.

An 8-week study in 41 people demonstrated that compared with a placebo, taking a daily oyster mushroom extract boosted the immune system by activating interferon-γ (IFN-γ), a molecule that plays an important role in protecting you against infection.

Nevertheless, studies focusing on the potential immune-boosting properties of whole oyster mushrooms — and not just extracts and supplements — are needed.

Potential Anti-Tumor Properties

Test-tube and animal studies suggest that oyster mushrooms may provide anti-tumor effects. However, human research is lacking.

Gut Health Benefits

A 2021 rodent study found that supplementing the diet of obese rats with Pleurotus ostreatus decreased the growth of pathogenic bacteria and increased the production of beneficial short-chain fatty acids in their guts.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Oyster mushrooms contain anti-inflammatory compounds. A 2020 rat study found that oral treatment with a Pleurotus ostreatus extract significantly reduced paw inflammation.

RELATED: Puffball Mushroom (Calvatia Gigante): Health Benefits, Recipes and More

Possible Side Effects Of Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms contain ostreolysin, a toxic protein. Animal studies have found that this protein may cause respiratory issues and increase arterial blood pressure. However, its effects on humans are not known.

Oyster mushrooms may also trigger symptoms of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, an inflammation of small airways in the lungs, resulting in fever, joint pain, and chills.

Consuming oyster mushrooms in large quantities may trigger stomach problems such as nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, or stomach rumbling.

In rare instances, people may be allergic to fungi. After consuming oyster mushrooms, this allergy may result in symptoms such as:

  • Stomach ache
  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Joint pain
  • Skin rashes
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose

How To Grow Oyster Mushrooms

If you want to have an abundant (and affordable) supply of oyster mushrooms, then you can grow your own. Let’s break down the steps you need to follow.

1. Order Your Supplies

Before getting started on the growing, you’ll need to get your supplies ready. These include:

  • Oyster mushroom spawn (at least 100 g, but preferably 1 kg or more)
  • Your substrate material. Substrates are the food source that enables the growth of mycelium (the root-like growth of the fungus, which is critical to the cultivation of mushrooms). The most widely used substrate for oyster mushrooms is straw. However, you can also use sawdust, cardboard, coffee grounds, and other byproducts of agriculture such as sugarcane bagasse, coco coir, and cotton waste. The easiest substrates to use are wood pellets and straw.
  • Growing bags/containers

If you’re using 600 g of pasteurized straw, then you’ll want to use 300 g of oyster mushroom spawn.

In most countries, there are a number of suppliers of oyster mushroom spawn. Grain spawn will produce bigger yields than sawdust spawn, so try to source this if you can.

As for growing containers, you’ll ideally get hold of purpose-made mushroom cultivation bags. These enable the perfect air exchange and keep out competing molds and bacteria.

If you can’t source these specialized bags, you can also use large freezer or Ziploc bags with 0.5 mm holes poked in every 10 cm around the bag.

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2. Prepare Your Oyster Mushroom Substrate

The point of the substrate is to provide a hydrated nutrient-dense food source that is free from other micro-organisms that would normally compete with the oyster mushroom mycelium.

Straw and sawdust pellets are all easy substrates to use for cultivating oyster mushrooms. Here’s a quick overview of how to prepare each one:

Straw is the most commonly used substrate for growing oyster mushrooms. It is typically cheap, contains essential nutrients, and oyster mushrooms thrive on it. You want to pasteurize the straw by soaking it in hot water (65-80C/149-176F) for 1-2 hours, or in a cold water high-pH lime bath for 12-18 hours.

Sawdust pellets are a great choice because they are already pasteurized by the heat and pressure of the pellet production process. You want to add an equal weight of water to the weight of the pellets, and then soak for 30 minutes. Then mix together to break up the pellets into hydrated sawdust.

3. Inoculation

Inoculation is the process of adding your mushroom spawn to your prepared substrate.

Before mixing the two, clean your hands well with soap and wipe down all surfaces you’re about to work on with a cleaning spray.

Make sure your substrate has the correct moisture content. The pasteurization process will most likely moisten your substrate to the appropriate level, but it’s crucial to check that it isn’t too dry or wet beforehand.

Depending on the material you’re using, you’re aiming for anything between 55 percent hydration (sawdust pellets) to 74 percent (straw). The easiest way to check is with the squeeze test.

Squeeze the substrate slightly in your hand. It should bind into a ball, with only a couple of drops of water coming out. If more than this occurs, then you’ll need to dry your substrate out a bit. If it doesn’t hold together in your hand, then this means it’s too dry, so you’ll need to add more water.

Next, mix the substrate and mushroom spawn in a container (a large plastic box, barrel, or whatever you have to hand). Then load the substrate into your growing vessels and close the top with a rubber band, paperclip, tape, or tie of some kind.

If you’re not using a filter patch bag, then make a few tiny holes every 10 cm around the bag for air exchange.

4. Incubation

This is the stage when the spawn that you introduced will grow and spread out across the substrate, in preparation for the final phase of fruiting.

Providing the optimal conditions needed for incubation is simple, even at home.

You can use any warm (20-24C) space in your house, such as a cupboard or boiler room. The area should ideally be dark to prevent early pinning (but this isn’t essential).

The spawn will come to life in the warm, humid conditions of the bags and eat its way across the substrate you’ve used.

Once the bag is completely white, it’s time to start fruiting.

You want to watch out for blue or green mold growing in your bags. If there’s only a little, there’s a good chance that your spawn will overtake it. If there’s a lot, on the other hand, the grow will likely fail, which means you should compost the substrate and start again.

5. Fruiting

Mushrooms grow in the wild in response to stress (like running out of food) or to changes in the environment. You want to replace this process in your home.

Once the bag is fully colonized (i.e. the mycelium will soon run out of food), you want to provide the optimal conditions for the mushrooms to develop.

Light. While you want to avoid exposing the mycelium to direct sunlight, some indirect or shaded light is needed for the mushrooms to form properly. They don’t gain energy from the light, so an indirect lighting source or shaded windowsill will be sufficient.

Fresh Air. In the wild, oyster mushrooms are used to growing out of a stump or log in fresh oxygen-rich air. Providing a 5 cm slit or hole in your bag will signal to the mycelium that there is a space to grow out from.

Humidity. Spray with water twice a day to keep the substrate hydrated and the environment in which the mushrooms are developing humid. This will encourage the mushrooms to form and prevent them from drying out as they develop.

Temperature. This is specific to each strain, but generally (with the exception of king oyster mushrooms), most strains are not too fussy about what temperature they will grow at. As long as it is in the range of 10-30C, they should fruit.

Within seven days, you should start seeing tiny mushroom pins forming out of the hole. In the following 5-7 days, you will see these baby mushrooms double in size every day. At this point, you want to keep spraying with water twice a day to maintain the humidity as the mushrooms grow.

6. Harvesting And Growing More Mushrooms

Once the edge of the caps of the oyster mushroom starts to flatten out or turn upwards, it’s time to harvest. You want to harvest before the mushrooms begin dropping lots of spores.

This can be difficult to judge. However, if you notice the mushrooms stop growing any bigger, start to dry out, or drop lots of white “dust” (spores), then it’s time to harvest.

You can either twist the mushrooms off with your hands or cut the cluster off with a knife.

Two days later, after you’ve harvested your mushrooms, you can submerge the substrate in water overnight to rehydrate. Then just follow all the same instructions from Step 5 while fruiting.

Spray twice a day in the same hole you cut out earlier. 1-2 weeks later, you’ll have more mushrooms beginning to grow.

You can repeat this process for a smaller third crop before the substrate starts to run out of available nutrients. After this point, you can break up the substrate and add it to your compost or as mulch/top layer dressing for the soil in your garden.

How To Store Oyster Mushrooms

If you have fresh oyster mushrooms, you should store them in a loosely closed plastic bag in the fridge, where they should stay fresh for 5-7 days.

Alternatively, you can dry your oyster mushrooms for long-term storage and use. When dried, you can store them for six months or more before eating them.

Commercial producers dry oyster mushrooms using complex vacuum or dehydrating equipment, but you don’t need that to dry them at home. Here are the steps to follow.

Preparation. Before drying, oyster mushrooms should be clean and free of any debris. A brush will remove grit and dirt. Many oyster mushrooms grow too large to be dried whole. So you should carefully cut up each mushroom into strips about one-eighth inch thick. This also makes them easier to store and use when cooking.

Oven Drying. An oven set to a very low temperature will dry out oyster mushrooms effectively. You want to spread out the mushrooms in a single layer, either on a wire rack or on a clean dry baking sheet, allowing the warm air to circulate around the mushrooms.

Drying requires about an hour at about 150F. Once dried, the oyster mushrooms will shrivel up to a much smaller size.

Air Drying. If you live in an arid climate or find yourself with a batch of oyster mushrooms during a hot weather spell, air drying may work for you. However, this method doesn’t apply in overly humid or cool conditions.

In the right conditions, the mushrooms will dry up and become shriveled when set out on a wire rack in a single layer and left out of direct sunlight for around three days. An airing cupboard also works well if very dry and warm.

Once dried, you can then grind up the mushrooms using a food processor or a coffee blender. Process them until they turn into a fine powder. You can then easily add your oyster mushroom powder to a variety of dishes and beverages.

How To Cook Oyster Mushrooms (Plus Recipes)

Oyster mushrooms have a mild, sweet, meaty, slightly seafood-y taste. All their parts of edible.

Oyster mushrooms taste best when pan-fried. To cook them to perfection, you’ll need:

  • 1 pound of oyster mushrooms, cut up into evenly sliced pieces
  • 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
  • A couple of garlic cloves, crushed with the flat side of a chef’s knife
  • Salt and pepper

Next, follow these basic steps:

  1. Add the olive oil to a heavy skillet set over medium heat. Add the mushrooms and cook them for two minutes on one side, until golden.
  2. Flip the mushrooms over using a spatula. Add the smashed garlic cloves to the skillet as well. Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue cooking the mushrooms for a few minutes, until they start to brown.
  3. Take the skillet off the heat. Taste for salt and pepper. Adjust as needed, and then serve hot.

You can enjoy your pan-fried oyster mushrooms as a side dish or add them to:

  • Pasta dishes
  • Pizza
  • Toast
  • Sandwiches
  • Stroganoff
  • Stir-fries
  • Noodles
  • Soups
  • Stews

Oyster Mushroom Tea/Coffee

Another way to enjoy the health benefits of oyster mushrooms is by making mushroom tea or coffee. You can use whole oyster mushrooms, mushroom powder, or a tincture.

If you don’t want to dry and powderize the mushrooms yourself, you can also purchase pre-made oyster mushroom powder from a reputable vendor.

How To Make Oyster Mushroom Tea


  • 7 cups of purified water
  • 1 ½ cup of chopped oyster mushrooms
  • ¾ tsp of maple syrup
  • 3.5 tsp of ground turmeric
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil


  1. Chop the oyster mushrooms into smaller pieces.
  2. Put the pieces of mushrooms in the large pot of water that is on the stove.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce it to a low simmer for one hour.
  4. Pour the mixture into a strainer.
  5. Add a quarter teaspoon of freshly ground turmeric, as well as maple syrup, and mix.
  6. Add the lemon essential oil and mix again.
  7. If you’d like to enhance the flavor, you can add almond milk, ginger, cinnamon, or stevia.

You can keep your oyster mushroom tea in the fridge and reheat it later or serve it chilled.

A much simpler method is to make your favorite kind of tea and then add 1 tbsp of oyster mushroom powder to it. Just stir in the powder and enjoy.

How To Make Oyster Mushroom Coffee

If you’re more of a coffee drinker, then there are basically four ways to make oyster mushroom coffee at home:

  • Buy a commercial oyster mushroom coffee product
  • Buy oyster extract powder and add it to your coffee
  • Forage for mushrooms and make your own powder to add to your coffee
  • Buy oyster mushroom tincture and add it to your coffee

1. Commercial Oyster Mushroom Coffee. This is the easiest way to make oyster mushroom coffee since much of the preparation is already done for you. Simply buy the coffee and brew it as your normally would.

However, there are some important things to keep in mind. Firstly, not all products are created equal. There is very little regulation in the supplement industry. So many companies aren’t required to disclose their mushroom sourcing, growing methods, extraction process, or really any details about the supplement’s benefits or risks.

This is why it’s crucial to buy any coffee product from a trusted brand. To enjoy maximum health benefits, look for a company that uses only the fruiting body, is transparent about its sourcing and extraction methods, and shares COA or third-party lab test results.

2. Buy Oyster Mushroom Extract Powder And Add It To Your Coffee. If you want more control over your dosage of oyster mushrooms, then this is the ideal choice for you. Moreover, using powder opens you up to significantly more brands and sourcing options, and may even allow you to shop locally for a product.

When buying oyster mushroom powder, make sure that the company you’re going with is using only the fruiting body and shares their extraction process. Mushroom extracts may offer more beneficial effects than powder alone.

Here’s how to make oyster mushroom coffee with mushroom powder:

  1. Brew your morning cup of coffee how you normally would
  2. Measure and add a serving of oyster mushroom powder to your mug following your package directions. If none are listed, ½-1 tsp is usually a safe dosage.
  3. While your coffee is still very hot, slowly pour your coffee over the mushroom powder
  4. Stir the powder in
  5. Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes

3. Forage For Oyster Mushrooms To Add To Your Coffee. This is a great option if you’re able to find wild oyster mushrooms in your backyard, nearby, or from your local farmer’s market.

Here’s how to dry and grind oyster mushrooms for coffee:

  • Prepare your oyster mushrooms by gently brushing off any debris or dirt with a vegetable brush. An old toothbrush works, too. (There is no need to wash the mushrooms.)
  • Cut the mushrooms into ¼“ pieces and add them to a food dehydrator until all the moisture is removed. Another option is to place the fresh oyster mushrooms in an oven heated to 175F for two hours, flipping them halfway through. Then transfer them to a colander to air-dry for another 3-5 days.
  • Once completely dried, the mushrooms are ready to be ground into powder. Use a coffee grinder or food processor to grind your mushrooms into as fine a powder as possible. Your mushroom powder is likely to be chunkier than any commercial version. You can store your mushroom powder in an airtight glass container, like a mason jar, for up to a year. Once you have the powder, you can make your coffee as you normally would.
  • Measure out 1 g of mushroom powder. Depending on how chunky the powder is, this is likely to be around a tsp.
  • While your coffee is still very hot, add your mushroom powder and stir.
  • Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.

If you don’t want any tiny mushroom chunks floating in your coffee, then you’ll want to strain them out.

You can use a French press for foraged oyster mushroom powder, as it means you don’t have to worry about any mushroom chinks floating in your coffee. If using a French press, combine your ground coffee and mushroom powder together, then brew your coffee as you normally would.

4. Buy Oyster Mushroom Tincture And Add It To Your Coffee. Another option is to use oyster mushroom tincture instead of powder. This option is ideal if you want to hide the taste of tincture in your morning coffee. Tinctures are convenient, effective, and a trusted delivery method for consuming functional mushrooms. But not everyone likes taking a tincture directly.

Here’s how to make oyster mushroom coffee with tincture:

  • Brew your morning coffee like you’re used to doing
  • Measure out a full dropper of tincture
  • Add it to your mug while your coffee is still very hot
  • Stir and enjoy

Oyster Mushroom Powder

You can purchase oyster mushroom powder from a variety of vendors. If you decide to do so, just make sure the vendor is reputable and well-reviewed. The product should be organic and free from industrial pollutants.

You should be aware that there are two different forms of oyster mushroom powder that you can buy online:

  • Powder derived from ground-up, dried, whole oyster mushrooms
  • Oyster mushroom extract powder. This is a more concentrated form of oyster mushrooms, in which the active constituents of the mushroom are extracted. By using an extract powder, you will consume a much lower dosage to get the same medicinal benefits. Extracts can vary widely in terms of strengths (and therefore dosages), so make sure you follow recommendations for dosing when buying an extract.

Many oyster mushroom extracts (which can come in the form of capsules or tinctures) may also have other mushroom extracts added to them. These include chaga, lion’s mane, maitake, cordyceps, shiitake, Turkey Tail, reishi, and Tremella, as these also offer health benefits.


Oyster mushrooms are a popular type of mushroom linked to several health benefits.

As well as being highly nutritious, these mushrooms may promote heart and immune system health, encourage healthy blood sugar control, and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Try adding these versatile mushrooms to your diet by using them in dishes like pasta and stews. You can also easily and quickly pan-fry oyster mushrooms and enjoy them as a delicious side dish.

You can consume oyster mushrooms whole or as a powder, extract, or tincture.

If you want to consume oyster mushrooms on a regular basis in the most economical way possible, then consider growing them.

If you’re new to growing mushrooms, this can seem a bit daunting and time-consuming. But don’t worry about making mistakes. If the first grow is unsuccessful, you can always start again.

People who grow functional mushrooms like oyster mushrooms believe the process is well worth the initial effort, time, and cost. The result will be a plentiful supply of tasty and nutritious mushrooms, which you can use for cooking or medicinally as a powder.

To really reap the rewards of oyster mushrooms, you want to consume them on a daily basis. When doing so, you may start to notice some improvements in your health.

You can also further improve your health by using other functional mushrooms. Creating (or purchasing) a mushroom blend powder and adding it to a smoothie or dish can be an easy way to ensure that you’re getting all of the powerful compounds contained in these mushrooms.

Sam Woolfe

Sam Woolfe

View all posts by Sam Woolfe

Sam Woolfe is a freelance writer based in London. His main areas of interest include mental health, mystical experiences, the history of psychedelics, and the philosophy of psychedelics. He first became fascinated by psychedelics after reading Aldous Huxley's description of the mescaline experience in The Doors of Perception. Since then, he has researched and written about psychedelics for various publications, covering the legality of psychedelics, drug policy reform, and psychedelic science.

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