The Ketamine Health Centers’ Altamonte location offers treatment support for those suffering from psychiatric disorders such as depression. Using ketamine therapy, the clinic hopes to accelerate the healing process for individuals that have found no relief from traditional treatment forms.
In exploring Ketamine Health Centers in Altamonte Springs, we’ve observed several standout features that resonate well with those seeking mental health treatments.
Understanding the dynamics of insurance, including in-network and out-of-network provisions, is crucial in healthcare. At these centers, staff assist in navigating the maze of insurance, ensuring patients understand their responsibilities regarding deductibles and copays. This transparency and support greatly enhance the overall experience, making mental health care more accessible to those who might otherwise hesitate due to financial concerns.
While many patients have positive experiences at Ketamine Health Centers in Altamonte Springs, some concerns do arise. Addressing these allows us to understand areas for improvement and set realistic expectations for future patients.
Ketamine Health Centers in Altamonte combines scientifically proven relief of small-dose ketamine infusions with psychotherapy sessions. Patients can expect to feel a decrease in symptoms after the first treatment. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy aims to address habitual thought processes that could hinder recovery for optimal healing and lasting results.
Psychedelics treatment continues to gain popularity. Research even suggests that ketamine therapy helps with PTSD, pain and other issues. With such progress and reports, more people are choosing these alternative healing methods.
The team at Ketamine Health Centers’ Altamonte location is led by Medical Director Dr. Raul Cruz and Medical Director of Psychiatry Dr. Juan Oms. They work alongside a staff of psychiatrists, licensed mental health counselors, patient care coordinators, and CRNAs.
Ketamine Health Centers also has locations in Coral Gables and West Palm Beach.
You’ll undergo an initial mental health screening using various questionnaires as well as a comprehensive assessment administered by a psychiatrist and a general medical assessment and pertinent physical exam administered by an anesthesiologist. As a precaution, a routine urine drug screen is also conducted to rule out those who are actively abusing illicit substances.
Once you’ve been cleared for treatment and your infusion sessions are booked, start planning. On the day of your session, you’ll need to avoid solid foods and/or milk for 6 hours prior to your ketamine infusion. You may drink clear liquids (i.e. water, fruit juices without pulp, carbonated beverages, clear tea, and black coffee) up until 2 hours before your infusion. Absolutely avoid alcohol or the use of any illicit drugs.
Intake Process
You will be taken into an exclusive infusion area. While a staff member prepares the IV, an anesthesiologist will conduct a pre-assessment and check your vital signs.
Intravenous (IV) Infusion Procedure
During the procedure, you will be laying in a comfortable lounge chair for the entire duration of the 45-minute infusion session. You will be attached to monitors and the anesthesia team will ensure that you are safe until the infusion is complete. After the procedure, you will stay in the recovery area for approximately 30 minutes for observation.
Every patient will be followed up psychiatrically after completing their infusion sessions.
Other Ketamine Wellness Centers Locations:
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