Do Shrooms Go Bad? Here’s How Long Magic Mushrooms Stay Potent

Do Shrooms Go Bad? Here’s How Long Magic Mushrooms Stay Potent

Some foods last forever: canned peas, sacks of rice, and Twinkies, for example. Dried magic mushrooms aren’t like any of those. They’re more like dried mangos, raisins or beef jerky. Magic mushrooms will last a long time on your shelf — but not forever. Over time, they’ll break down and lose their vibrancy. How much? Well, there are a lot of factors that go into answering the question “when do shrooms go bad?”

The world of magic mushrooms is incredibly diverse, with over 180 known species that contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. Each variety has its unique characteristics, including their shelf life.

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Do Shrooms Expire? Here are some popular magic mushroom varieties, and how long before they go typically bad: 

Name of StrainA Little About the StrainHow Long with This Strain Typically Stay Potent?
Psilocybe CubensisAlso known as “Cubes” these are the most common species of magic mushroom, appreciated for its moderate potency and spiritual insights. There are many strains of cubes – Golden Teachers, Cambodians, Penis Envy. When properly stored, dried Psilocybe Cubensis can last years without significant potency loss–but your best bet is to aim for consuming them within a year.
Psilocybe SemilanceataCommonly known as “Liberty Caps,” these are renowned for their high potency.They’re hardy mushrooms and, when dried and stored correctly, can maintain their potency for over a year.
Psilocybe AzurescensKnown as “Flying Saucers” or “Azzies,” these are among the most potent magic mushrooms.With optimal storage conditions, dried Psilocybe Azurescens can retain their potency for up to a year.
Psilocybe CyanescensOften referred to as “Wavy Caps,” these are highly potent mushrooms, although they can be a bit more sensitive to storage conditions.They can last up to a year with full potency if dried and stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.
Panaeolus CyanescensAlso known as “Blue Meanies,” these are highly potent and can provide a more intense experience than many other varieties.They can also maintain their potency for up to a year when properly stored.

While these are estimated shelf lives, it’s important to remember that the exact shelf life of your magic mushrooms can vary based on various factors, including their original freshness, the drying method used, and the conditions in which they’re stored. Always check your shrooms for signs of spoilage before consumption.

EXCITING NEWS: Oregon is legalizing Psilocybin therapy in 2023. Click here to get on the waiting list for the first state-approved psilocybin therapy in the United States now!

How Much Weaker Are Old Mushrooms?

If you eat old mushrooms, you’ll still feel some effects. Just less.

How much less? Hard to say. No one, as far as I know, has tested various mushrooms to see how much they’ve degraded in a year or two or five.

People who’ve eaten older mushrooms say all kinds of things: that the mushrooms didn’t lose any strength; that they barely worked at all; that they were half as strong. In general, I’d guess that mushrooms that are one year old might have lost 20 percent of their strength. So you might want to increase your dose by 20 percent. That’s a guess, though: be cautious with your dosage. If you’re new, it is safer to start low and go slow. 

How to Tell When Your Magic Mushrooms Go Bad

Mushrooms, when dried, have a certain look. The stems are usually gray or white, with black or brown under the caps (if the caps are open). Parts may appear blue. Blue is the color of psilocybin. The psilocybin tints blue. Blue means they’re good.

Knowing the signs of spoilage and loss of potency can help you avoid consuming bad shrooms and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some indicators to look out for:

1. Mold:

Mold can appear as green, black, or white fuzzy spots on your mushrooms. If you see any mold on your shrooms, discard them immediately, as consuming mold can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

2. Discoloration:

While some magic mushrooms naturally bruise blue, any other unusual color changes, such as black or dark brown, could indicate spoilage or mold growth. In this case, it’s best to dispose of the affected shrooms.

3. Unpleasant Smell:

Healthy mushrooms should have an earthy, musky aroma. If your shrooms have a sour, rotten, or otherwise unpleasant smell, this is a strong sign of spoilage, and they should be discarded.

4. Changes in Texture:

Dried mushrooms should be brittle and snap easily. If they become soft or spongy, it’s an indication of moisture, which can lead to spoilage. In this case, you should throw them away.

5. Loss of Potency:

While it can be challenging to determine the exact potency of your mushrooms, a gradual decline in their effects over time can indicate a loss of potency. Ensure proper storage to maintain the highest potency for as long as possible. 

By keeping an eye out for these signs, you can avoid consuming spoiled or less potent shrooms and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience with your magic mushrooms.

READ NEXT: B+ Mushrooms: Psilocybin that’s Not a Quite a Perfect Score, Yet Never a Fail

When Do Shrooms Go Bad? The Role of Psilocybin Stability in Shelf Life

Psilocybin, the major psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, plays a significant role in their shelf life. Understanding the stability of psilocybin can help you maximize the shelf life of your magic mushrooms, ensuring you get the most out of every trip.

Psilocybin is a remarkably resilient compound. It’s heat-stable to a degree, meaning it can withstand moderate temperatures without breaking down. However, excessive heat can lead to a loss in potency, which is why it’s not recommended to dry magic mushrooms in an oven or other high-heat environments. 

Light exposure is another factor that can degrade psilocybin. Specifically, UV light can break down psilocybin, leading to a loss in potency over time. This is why it’s so important to store magic mushrooms in a dark, cool place away from direct sunlight.

The stability of psilocybin also extends to its ability to resist breakdown over time. When stored properly, psilocybin can remain potent for several months to over a year. However, its stability can be compromised by exposure to oxygen, moisture, and bacteria. 

In summary, the stability of psilocybin plays a key role in the shelf life of magic mushrooms. By understanding how psilocybin stability is affected by factors such as heat, light, and exposure to the elements, you can store your shrooms in a way that maximizes their shelf life and ensures you’ll have potent, safe magic mushrooms for your psychedelic journeys.

What is the Danger When Shrooms Do Go Bad

While magic mushrooms can provide a fascinating journey into the world of psychedelics, consuming expired or spoiled shrooms can be a dangerous endeavor. It’s crucial to understand the risks involved to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Let’s explore the potential dangers of consuming expired magic mushrooms.

1. Gastrointestinal problems: Over time, magic mushrooms, like any other organic matter, can develop mold or bacterial growth if they’re not stored properly. Ingesting moldy or contaminated mushrooms can lead to food poisoning, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Some molds can even produce toxic compounds called mycotoxins, which can have severe health consequences. 

2. Allergic reactions: Consuming moldy mushrooms can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Mold allergies can manifest as respiratory symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and wheezing, as well as skin irritations like rashes and itching.

3. Reduced potency: As magic mushrooms age, their psilocybin content may degrade, leading to reduced potency. This can be particularly disappointing for those seeking a profound psychedelic experience, as you may consume a higher dose to achieve the desired effects, which can be wasteful and potentially risky.

4. Unpredictable effects: When mushrooms are expired, their chemical composition can change, making the effects of ingesting them more unpredictable. This can lead to an uncomfortable or even dangerous trip, especially for inexperienced users.

To avoid these potential dangers, always store your magic mushrooms properly and be vigilant in checking for signs of spoilage before consumption. If you’re unsure whether your shrooms are still good, it’s best to err on the side of caution and discard them. Remember, your safety and well-being are far more important than risking an unpleasant or harmful experience.

Check Your Shrooms, Improve Your Trips

Navigating the world of magic mushrooms can be a fascinating journey, full of psychedelic explorations and self-discovery. However, it’s crucial to remember the importance of understanding and practicing proper storage and handling techniques to ensure the safety and potency of your shrooms.

Whether you’re an experienced psychonaut or a curious beginner, this comprehensive guide has given you the tools to confidently manage the shelf life of your magic mushrooms. From understanding mycology and the importance of proper storage, recognizing signs of spoilage and loss of potency, to knowing the effects of psilocybin stability on shelf life, you’re now equipped to ensure the best possible mushroom experience.

Always remember to check your mushrooms for any signs of spoilage before consumption and always prioritize safety over an uncertain psychedelic adventure. By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll not only maximize your magic mushroom experiences but also ensure they’re safe and enjoyable.

As we wrap up our journey into the world of magic mushrooms, we hope you’ve found this guide helpful. Remember, the key to a successful psychedelic journey lies in knowledge, responsibility, and respect for the power of these remarkable organisms. Happy tripping, and stay safe!

First, you want to decide which type of mushroom you want to grow. There are around 180 species in nature, although only some of these will be available to buy as magic mushroom spores — the reproductive cells that can grow into mushrooms. You can also buy varieties of individual species found in nature.

Learn More About Magic Mushrooms Strains

Interested in learning more about the different varieties of magic mushrooms strains? Click through our menu below for a deeper dive into each strain.

Graham Pilger

Graham Pilger

View all posts by Graham Pilger

Graham Pilger is a passionate expert in the field of psychedelic medicine, business, and research, with over 4 years of experience. His diverse background spans from collaborating with laboratories to develop plant-based medicines and psychedelic compounds, to participating in psychiatric research projects. In addition to his professional expertise, Graham is an avid home mycologist who has cultivated an extensive understanding of various mushroom-growing techniques. His hands-on experience ranges from beginner methods to advanced cultivation practices.

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